Five Common UI/UX Errors That Drive Customers Away

Five Common UI/UX Errors That Drive Customers Away

You're concerned that users aren't engaging with your digital product. Appreciate the work that went into making your user interface and user experience so great.

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design elements are crucial in increasing customer retention and loyalty. The success of a software may hinge on the quality of its user interface and user experience, which might make all the difference between its success and failure.

Research shows that

  • Global mobile data traffic grew up to 74% in 2015- Cisco.
  • 40% of people will switch to a different search result if the first one is not mobile-friendly.
  • 39% of people across the world will stop engaging with a website if images won’t load or take too long to load.
  • Google started giving preferences to responsive websites in its search engine results pages in April 2015- Google

When it comes to making high-quality apps, the little details matter more than you would think.

Aesthetic elements and a streamlined interactive online experience might help win over sceptical customers. The aesthetics of a website may influence how users interact with it, which can have positive consequences for the site's owner.

On the other hand, it's very uncommon for new websites and apps to launch with glaring UI issues that severely compromise the user experience. In this piece, we'll go through five of the most common (and frustrating) UI mistakes that can be found in both online and native mobile applications.

We have collated the below 5 common UI/UX errors that drive customers away:

Too much information

Customers may quickly get confused if they don't have sufficient time to analyse and grasp the information you're delivering.

The first page or frame of your programme shouldn't be too much for your customers. If your website is too complicated or has too many different parts, visitors may become overwhelmed and leave before they learn anything.

Avoid this design mistake by giving users just the information they need to get started first. When consumers can pick up and start using a brand-new product with no instruction, we know we've hit the mark for user experience.

Non-responsive interface:

When testing on several devices, common UI/UX issues become more apparent. Although it should go without saying that e-commerce sites need to be mobile-friendly, we often see poor mobile web formatting, such as stretched visuals, incomprehensible text, and the missing of features that are available on the desktop version of an e-commerce site.

Having a reliable mobile site experience is essential in the era of e-commerce. They will keep looking for what they want (an error-free, mobile-friendly website that serves their purposes) until they find it. To put it another way, if your website doesn't do that, your competition will (and vice versa).

Confusions with the font:

This mistake is more common on older app pages, but you may see it in modern apps as well, especially if the developer is using an app builder. App builders don't require a lot of technical experience since app pages and components are pre-made and quick to update, but this also means the developer won't have as much knowledge about app design (and UI) as they should.

Cluttered interface:

The planning phase of making an app or website is a crucial part of the design process. For some businesses, this may be the last stage of design. It's important to plan out your app's layout before you even write any code. Users are frequently confused by the cluttered appearance of app sites. In terms of user experience (UX), a cluttered app page is problematic.

Too many Pop-ups:

Customers are quickly driven away if they are inundated with a barrage of pop-ups the moment, they visit your site. Users have to cope with a profusion of pop-up windows that need to be closed or moved away from before they can begin their product or website journey.

While not all pop-ups are bad, you should avoid those that are badly placed, poorly constructed, or difficult to close.

When designing user-friendly pop-ups, it's important to consider how often and under what circumstances they'll be shown. One per page is optimal, and they shouldn't take up the full screen or otherwise interfere with the reading experience. Your pop-up windows should also be placed strategically, so users can easily close them with a click or two.

The goal is to create an interface that is both easy to use and visually beautiful. Building credibility is essential for boosting sales. If you use this list of mistakes as a guide for what to do well when producing, you could find that you no longer need it before you know it.

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